These are the hardest days; the week before an anniversary, holiday, birthday or any special date we would celebrate with Carson. It is painfully obvious Carson isn't with us, but is in Heaven (which we rejoice that he is with our Lord).
I still hold on to Crying as a gift from God, to release the build-up of pain.
I not only miss Carson but continue on my path to help those who suffer with mental illness, and those who have lost someone to suicide...their lives changed forever!
I feel that I am a Warriorett in GOD'S MENTAL HEALTH ARMY...trying to get others to realize that their lives and loved ones could some day be touched by mental illness, or worse, the suicide of a loved one. Sometimes, I feel like Noah must have felt when he was building the ark ... God called him, but no one would take him seriously.
Statistics conclude that suicide has become an epidemic, especially among young people; as young as 10 years old!
I know intimately what it is to lose such a precious gift from God.
I send this message to any that will listen; that each one of us can have a part in helping to reverse this horrific epidemic.
I pray that you will take the time to learn what mental illness looks like.
My sorrow will not be in vain. I will use it to educate others and help those who need resources! The need is great. The workers are few.
If you feel God is calling you to help, and you have no idea of where to start, I would love to hear from you!