Not A Day Promised

Battling mental illness through education and resources. "Let the wise hear and
increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance." Proverbs 1:5

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Word Picture - His Refreshing Breeze

by Julie Brooks

As I was exercising on the treadmill this morning, God gave me this word picture. I always place a large fan in front of me so I can be comfortable while I exercise. I can feel the breeze from the fan and see the evidence of it working as my hair is blowing and the breeze cools me.

But, I can't see the current of air coming from the fan. 

I am reminded that in my Christian life if I will just plug into God through His word and prayer, bringing my focus on Him, I can experience comfort and unmatchable peace, and know that He is near, even though I can't see Him.

His refreshing breeze can bless me every miracle minute of the day. The decision is mine whether I will take advantage of His loving presence and plug into it!

1 Peter 5:6-7.  "Humble yourself before God. Make Him the FOCUS of your thoughts. Bring your concerns and needs before Him, understanding that He is the sustainer of all life; and the peace of God will guard your heart and mind freeing you from the worries of life." Amen


  1. great job with this page. I know the resources can help many people. God Bless!

    1. Just saw your comment, Anonymous. Thank you so very much for taking time to visit our site and offer your encouragement!
