Not A Day Promised

Battling mental illness through education and resources. "Let the wise hear and
increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance." Proverbs 1:5

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanks Given

by Julie Brooks

Today, and everyday, I have many things to be thankful for, including:

  • A wonderful husband
  • Great kids (and their spouses)
  • My family and extended family
  • And of course, the grandkids

But today, on this Thanksgiving Day... I reflect on Thanks Given, a "Thank You" note from Carson; a Thank You note he wrote after his high school graduation... his last correspondence to each of us.  

I have the Thank You note in a frame sitting on the breakfast bar where I can see it while I am in the kitchen. 

This Thank You note is sometimes painful to read.  Do you notice the statement, 

              "Thank you for loving me even though it is not easy."  

You see, those who struggle with a Mental Illness often feel unlovable and worthless.  They struggle to convey their feelings.  A lot of times, their behavior (caused from brain chemical imbalance) is hard to understand because of their Mental Illness.  

I am thankful for Carson's Thank You note.  

I love to look at his unique handwriting.  In it is a daily reminder for me to continue pushing through the walls of stigma and misunderstanding surrounding Mental Illness. 

With God's help and guidance, I will continue to spread words of encouragement and hope. 

Through education and awareness we can make a difference! 


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